There were an abundance of resources provided on getting students to start blogging. The first few resources such as " Why students Should Blog", "How to Start Blogging with Students", and "Where Students should Blog" were extremely informative and gave the benefits of blogging for students and teachers. The reflection piece and the ability to have peers comment in a respectful way are the best benefits that students can gain from blogging. For the past 19 years my focus every year is to create 2-3 projects for students that allow them to show case their strengths and skill set. I love to give students the opportunity to have a choice in their assignments. Students do not have enough opportunity to practice public speaking or present their work. This is why the idea of blogging with students is appealing. As the math intervention teacher for K-6 the benefits would be having students discuss their strategies through blogging. This would allow students to teach a lesson, discuss strategies and reasoning, and have peers comment by agreeing or disagreeing.
Transform Writing Projects through Blogging:
Students will be engaged in higher level tasks as well as a alternative way to showcase their work. Blogging offers students a ways to be excited about writing, discussing their feeling and open their writing to the world. They can connect to peers, teachers, parents and other students, while receiving comments and feedback on their work. This allows them an opportunity to take ownership of their writing and provides opportunity for editing and revising. An article on creating Google Slides ties in with the idea of using alternate tasks as assessment. This takes student in a step by step process in using writing in a different in a creative way. They have an opportunity to turn assignments in after creating their work and receive feedback directly . The scaffolding process allows students to take this step by step.

Additional Thoughts:
The only negative thing about blogging with students is the issues that may arise with cyber safety. Even when it is explicitly taught and reviewed, students may run into problems with sharing too much personal information or other people cyber bullying. Parents also may has reservations about their child/children connecting to others on the internet. There is a lot to consider when starting blogging with students and practicing cyber safety.
Transform Writing Projects through Blogging:
Students will be engaged in higher level tasks as well as a alternative way to showcase their work. Blogging offers students a ways to be excited about writing, discussing their feeling and open their writing to the world. They can connect to peers, teachers, parents and other students, while receiving comments and feedback on their work. This allows them an opportunity to take ownership of their writing and provides opportunity for editing and revising. An article on creating Google Slides ties in with the idea of using alternate tasks as assessment. This takes student in a step by step process in using writing in a different in a creative way. They have an opportunity to turn assignments in after creating their work and receive feedback directly . The scaffolding process allows students to take this step by step.

Additional Thoughts:
The only negative thing about blogging with students is the issues that may arise with cyber safety. Even when it is explicitly taught and reviewed, students may run into problems with sharing too much personal information or other people cyber bullying. Parents also may has reservations about their child/children connecting to others on the internet. There is a lot to consider when starting blogging with students and practicing cyber safety.
A good point about the safety side of blogging, especially for younger students. Kathy Cassidy is a great model for how to do it safely.